A Contemporary Responsive Concrete5 theme with full-screen backgrounds

Hi-Vis is a clean, contemporary theme from 1976 Limited built on Foundation 5, the world’s most advanced responsive framework.

Flexible Grid - Mobile-ready

Built on a flexible grid, Hi-Vis easily adapts whether it is viewed on a large monitor or a smartphone and anything in between.

Full-screen Backgrounds

Add full-screen backgrounds to your website - page by page or sitewide. Included with Hi-Vis is a fullscreen jquery slideshow block using Vegas by Jay Salvat and a custom vignette effect.

Orbit Slideshow

Create responsive slideshows to automatically fit any area of your site. Included with Hi-Vis is a responsive slideshow block using Orbit by Zurb.


Easily add button styles by clicking on styles in the text editor.

Button Tiny Button

10 Custom Page Types

Hi-Vis includes 10 extra page types with a comprehensive range of column configurations based on a 12 column grid. Check out all the page types.

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